It is one thing to be friendly and share pics but everyone gets offended by stuff...And people act rude when they are offended. It's weird. You're being rude because something offended you? Damn, this is when I wish I lived in the Regency times. Manners--
Stuff that used to be opinion, is now something to be offended over? I'm entitled to mine opinion, you have problem. This is America. If I have an opinion you don't agree with, you don't need to argue about it. It's not an insult that I don't agree.
It's building out there oddly...I was out of the loop for nearly a year with my dad's long hospital stay and his passing away between last year and this year. I wrote when I could and whatever the muse felt like because so much was out of my control.
Recovering from that death has taken longer...BUT as I try to get back. The market feels like a wild ride. I'm trying to figure out what to focus on (I love writing two genres). Then I had another opportunity out of the blue...that's another issue. But coming back to cons...
I went to a con earlier this year. Readers could drop in for time with an author. Cool...One reader came in to the time with an author I know. The reader immediately looked the swag set out and asked if there were any books?
The author gave her one and when the reader left, the author asked me if that was expected.
I sighed...No, you don't have to give away free books. But some people are getting greedy.
Sorry, I said it. But so much out there is free that people expect free stuff. ALL the time.
Here's the problem...: When it becomes an expectation, people don't appreciate it. They expect it.
Later at the same con, I was at my table at the book signing and someone came up and asked if I had any USB drives? I was puzzled. No... Her reply was 'some authors put free books on those and give them away'
Yeah...okay, some do. but to go around asking for freebies? is she asking everyone? randomly? That's awkward and a little tacky (imho) It's not like I'd posted online "I have USB drives..." Nope.
We ALL like free stuff. I've been to plenty of RT conventions where Promo Alley and the Book rooms had long lines and people swarmed over good stuff. But that was set out there for that purpose.
All cons have free goodies, bags, and most authors have swag with them as well.
So when is enough ---- enough?
Don't get me wrong. IF you know me, you know: I love swag!
Because if its all free-- AND then there is so much free stuff.
Is it having an impact?
Is anyone even looking at it?
We need to get back to good manners and it being about the stories...
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