Thursday, June 2, 2016

Blurred Lines...of politeness

Social media has broken down barriers. Scary for introverts and others who like to write and hide the rest of the time. But over the years I've gotten better at conventions. I enjoy them usually...but things have been changing online and now I'm noticing it in person.

It is one thing to be friendly and share pics but everyone gets offended by stuff...And people act rude when they are offended. It's weird. You're being rude because something offended you? Damn, this is when I wish I lived in the Regency times. Manners--

Stuff that used to be opinion, is now something to be offended over?  I'm entitled to mine opinion, you have problem. This is America. If I have an opinion you don't agree with, you don't need to argue about it. It's not an insult that I don't agree.

It's building out there oddly...I was out of the loop for nearly a year with my dad's long hospital stay and his passing away between last year and this year. I wrote when I could and whatever the muse felt like because so much was out of my control.

Recovering from that death has taken longer...BUT as I try to get back. The market feels like a wild ride. I'm trying to figure out what to focus on (I love writing two genres). Then I had another opportunity out of the blue...that's another issue. But coming back to cons...

I went to a con earlier this year. Readers could drop in for time with an author. Cool...One reader came in to the time with an author I know. The reader immediately looked the swag set out and asked if there were any books?

The author gave her one and when the reader left, the author asked me if that was expected.

I sighed...No, you don't have to give away free books. But some people are getting greedy.

Sorry, I said it. But so much out there is free that people expect free stuff. ALL the time.

Here's the problem...: When it becomes an expectation, people don't appreciate it. They expect it.

Later at the same con, I was at my table at the book signing and someone came up and asked if I had any USB drives? I was puzzled. No... Her reply was 'some authors put free books on those and give them away'

Yeah...okay, some do. but to go around asking for freebies? is she asking everyone? randomly? That's awkward and a little tacky (imho) It's not like I'd posted online "I have USB drives..." Nope.

We ALL like free stuff. I've been to plenty of RT conventions where Promo Alley and the Book rooms had long lines and people swarmed over good stuff. But that was set out there for that purpose.

All cons have free goodies, bags, and most authors have swag with them as well.

So when is enough ---- enough?

Don't get me wrong. IF you know me, you know: I love swag!

I have fun finding it, giving it away etc...But all this expectation is making me rethink the amount of swag / freebies. Especially when you see readers turn up their noses at some things.

Because if its all free-- AND then there is so much free stuff.

Is it having an impact?

Is anyone even looking at it?

We need to get back to good manners and it being about the stories...

Sunday, May 22, 2016

You Have to Eat!

I drink on occasion. Half a glass of wine on a stressful day. A drink out with friends at a writer’s conference. Maybe two. I’m not a big drinker.

If I had to, I could never drink again. Wouldn’t bother me. Wouldn’t hurt my life or make me sad--really.

I’ve never done drugs…no, not even pot. I don’t need the munchies. Fat, remember….

The problem is, you HAVE to eat. If you don’t consume some basic calorie content daily, your body will go into starvation mode. It clings to what you’ve got like it’s a famine out there…that actually makes it harder to lose weight.

So while other addictions can go cold turkey. No more alcohol, drugs, or whatever…(heck docs can help make detox easier). But there is no such help for people who eat too much… Not eating is against human nature. Food is necessary to live.

Maybe it’s just my perspective. If my thing were alcohol, I’d probably think that was the worst thing to kick. But we don’t need that to live. The next closest thing to food is probably drugs where a person is in real pain. How do you treat the legit pain and not give them a high? Or feed the addiction?

Well, I’m trying to figure it out but all I can do is work on me. Try to find a food plan that I can stick to that isn’t too difficult or expensive (all the cheap easy food is bad for you).

Friday, May 20, 2016

Kids are pawns…and victims

No news here. Parents use kids. My dad did. If my mom had ever wanted to leave, and I remember one big fight. He threatened to keep the kids. She had no money. No power. No help. She couldn’t support the kids or hire a lawyer.

He threw it all in her face and made it very clear. It was his way or no way.

Wow….what an a$$. Sorry, the truth hurts sometimes. These aren’t divorced parents. They were married for 41 years.

My sister was in tears during that fight. I told her over and over mom wasn’t leaving. I’m only 3 ½ years older but it’s funny how with one kid, adults a lot of times forget kids listen to everything. I knew more. Had seen more. The parents hide it better later but I already knew. Mom had no alternatives. She wouldn’t leave her kids and dad got his way.

I feel bad. i feel guilty because she deserved a lot better than the way dad treated her. the way he modeled for us to treat people. He was so different in public than in private. It makes me sick to go that far back in my mind…no wonder I escaped into books.

Even historically, at least women were respected in some times. The regency era…Jane austen. It seemed like women were at least treated well but they couldn’t earn their own money or be independent. And they were ruled by their father, husband, son or even brother…they needed a man. So it was all manners…fake respect?

I guess there has never been a good time to be a woman. Maybe being overweight was a way to keep men away since I don't have good examples (first hand). Maybe food is just comfort? Of course I'd like the right guy but being financially independent--able to walk away if the guy turns into a jerk--that's critical. 

We should all be able to take care of ourselves because if we CAN'T, then others can and may take advantage of it. I'm sure not all men are bad and not all women are good. Each of us suffers from our own intense up-close experiences 

Monday, May 16, 2016

Game of Thrones, Bullies, and Poptarts

Saturday was 2 months since my father died. I'd hoped to be writing or doing something useful/productive by now.

I can't seem to do that. There are legal things and family things. There is grief and another funeral.

But I've had time to think. To reflect. I need to fix things. Be better.

My dad was a good dad in Game of Thrones sense. he protected me. He provided for me. But he wasn't a TV dad...he wasn't involved. He wanted us to be safe and secure, not happy.

He was a bully...he had to have things HIS way. It was the only way. And that's why, I think, I'm having a hard time taking steps. Even writing, he didn't like that I wrote. When you live under the rule of bully or near one...when they're gone it's odd. You're used to measuring your actions in the reaction it'll get.

There is a void. Positive? In many ways yes. Then I feel guilty because he was my father and is dead.

My mother and I spent SO much time taking care of him. Getting him well...and he's gone.
Feels like a failure somehow but it's out of my hands.

So I have to rise, like a GoT lady whose father was struck down. Even if I'm eating Poptarts for my breakfast while I catch up on the show....(strawberry frosted if anyone is interested). I know, not healthy. Bad food choice.

Right now, I'm trying to find my new normal and my path. I know what I want to do but I'm wandering a bit until I get my strength back. A grandparent dying is one thing, but a parent is a new level of  shock.

I've been bullied most of my life for being overweight and introverted. It's horrible in the time but schools go on to junior high and high school so some of the dynamic shifts. A family bully is different.

I need to untangle the bully mystery...

Saturday, May 14, 2016

When you can’t be yourself…

The food thing was about control. Sure…but it wasn’t just about big decisions. Someone in a family is going to be the money controller and the main decision maker a lot of the time. When it’s absolute and only one person, it feels oppressive.

But the other part of this, for me at least, is that I couldn’t be myself. I’ve mentioned being the black sheep and it’s true. I wish I could explain it. my mother tried sometimes but I just never fit in.

I’d make an intelligent joke and people would be confused. Or laugh at me like it was dumb. They didn’t get the references. Dad reinforced his ideas, ideals, and standards constantly.

When you can’t even be yourself, it’s hard to know yourself. I’m in here somewhere. Buried under decades of fat to numb and placate the real me who had to be repressed.

The hardest part is figuring out the real me. Peeling it away from the façade that survived in that situation. It’s about survival for a lot people a lot of the time. I’m not unique or special.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Mother's Day Post Blog

I missed a couple of blogs...largely because of Mother's Day. It was my mom's first one after Dad died. I took her out to eat and ice cream after balloons and a gift card. I know that doesn't seem like much but then I had lunch with some writer friends Monday and I have a funeral to attend tomorrow...that is something I'm dreading.

I've been trying to write off and on since I returned from a writer's con in Atlanta...

That conference was a nice excuse to hang with some friends but I was disappointed in reader turnout and I got a great gift from a fan!

I know part of the problem is I haven't had anything new out...other than the YA and that con wasn't really drawing YA readers. But I spent money on things at the con and a few people showed up...while others had full rooms. So not the right event for me.

Right now I'm struggling to get the writing going. I need to jump start my energy...exercise maybe?
Hopefully that'll help me start writing! Small steps...

Luckily I'll be at a conference that is more all genre and PG friendly in June!

Friday, May 6, 2016

Always Fat…

Food, Alcohol, drugs, cutting, shopping, etc… it’s all coping. Or it starts that way.

Coping turns to addiction and feels normal. Change is hard when people watch your every move. Comment on things constantly. Even too much encouragement can feel like pressure==what if you fail??

It’s scary. But the scariest part about the food. About being fat is that it doesn’t work like the others…

If you don’t shop today, and you’re an addictive shopper—you’re clean for today! Yay you!

If you’re an alcoholic and you don’t drink, you’re sober!! Awesome!

Same with drugs. Clean for one day is clean…make it another day etc…

If you’re fat and you eat healthy one day…to the world and yourself in the mirror—you’re STILL FAT!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Trust No One... Else

When I was sitting with my dad in the hospital a lot, obviously I wasn’t working a day job. The family thought I’d been laid off….

That was a lie but sometimes you have to lie to family to keep the peace. Where I used to work in Harvey, IL…well, a coworker was attacked at 5:30pm in the parking lot. The parking lots were spread out and she happened to be alone in that area when a guy mugged her. She gave him her purse and keys but he still busted her nose. The trail of blood led back into the building…

It could’ve been worse, I know.

The company had fencing around that area of parking, not all. But there was no gate to keep others out of our parking area. Random stray dogs would get in there. Kids would ride bikes in there… but in 11 years of working there, that was the first violent crime I knew to happen to an employee where I worked.

Did the company put in gates to keep the parking secure? No. They increased the patrols of security. Now they didn’t ADD to security so it was then lacking elsewhere. The company was all about the bottom line and had been going downhill for a couple years at that point.

I didn’t feel safe anymore and started looking for another job but it was the holiday season. Then, at a townhall meeting, the president of the company (who had a multi-million-dollar golden parachute) said WE are the 1%. Speaking to union laborers and single moms working customer service as well as accountants and salespeople, he said that.

He is the 1%, not us…That was the day I turned in my notice.

It felt like that was the time to try writing full time. I’d been saving seriously all my adult life. Paying down my mortgage. I basically had 2 full time jobs. Writing and accounting. So I wasn’t blowing a lot of money elsewhere…the odd writer con was all.

It’d been fine actually for a while. Writing full time was working out, more or less.

I was writing some cozy mysteries and getting good reviews—in addition to the hot stuff I’d been writing before.

Then my mom had a seizure and needed a driver/ sitter for a bit. She recovered well, needed surgery for her collarbone but things were looking up. (It was a reaction to medication so the seizures weren’t ongoing, thank God!).

So back to normal…Until dad landed in the hospital.

Back to that hospital time. I told them I was writing while I was looking for a new job since I’d been laid off. Dad wanted to read something. Nope.

He doesn’t like no. We’ve established that.

He pestered me. Bugged me. Tried to buy one. LOL

Please…he’s not getting his hands on it. He’ll only JUDGE it. MOCK it. I know better. I’ve known him far too long to fall for that crap.

He plays the wounded puppy. Like I hurt his feelings. I didn’t buy it. I didn’t care because he’s a master manipulator.

He asked WHEN I’d let him read something I wrong. I told him the 100% truth. NEVER.

And he never did. I don’t feel bad about that either. Maybe I should but he never encouraged me. Never believed in me. He had his chance when I was applying to local colleges. BTW He lowered my bar all the time. going away to school is SO expensive. Local was cheaper. Live at home to save money .( And he could keep an eye on me all the time…). Still, he could’ve encouraged me. Even met me half way and said to double major in creative writing and accounting. Weird, but I’m weird. At least it would’ve been some acknowledgement of what I love.

No, he didn’t. When I was a teen, he stuck with writing was a cute hobby and I needed a REAL job.

He never apologized. He never understood the pain and damage he inflicted. I know, I do…I understand in his mind he was trying to protect me. He wanted me to be financially secure. I get that…it’s easier to deal with life with money than without it… but he never made tons of money. He wasn’t Richie Rich.

The worst part was he had no faith in me. No hope. No dreams. At least none that matched up with my own. Compromise made no one happy…

Writing full time, I don’t get migraines, I don’t have to deal with bosses who know less than I do but suck up and play the office politics better so they make four times what I do and just sit in meetings. I might not be a huge name but I’m still trying.

I know others play the Amazon system or work the trends with more savvy. I’m trying to get back to writing after the funeral and there will still be things with the estate. Clearing out the house with mom. I want to be chugging along writing my stories and doing what I’m supposed to be doing. I’ll get there.

I’m much happier writing and accounting wouldn’t make me a millionaire either.

Now, Dad can read whatever he wants—I’m sure. But I don’t have to listen to the mocking commentary. I couldn’t handle that…I have to build some self-esteem on a solid foundation. 

The title of this blog is Trust No One....Else. Others may have good intentions. I believe my dad thought he was doing the right thing. In his estimation shaded by his experiences, maybe. I know he thought I was a dreamer and I'd never do anything or make anything of myself. A nice safe little job is him. He was so overbearing with his opinions it was hard to argue or fight him... 

But in the end, no one else knows what'll make you happy. You might try things and find they aren't what you thought, but you tried. No one else can tell you what'll make you happy. no one else knows you as well as you. Trust no one else's opinion more than your own. I've always known I wanted to be a writer. Deep down for no logical reason, it was there in me...

Monday, May 2, 2016

Don’t get Married. Stay single and happy

Who gives their kids (adult or otherwise) advice like this?? My dad.

In front of my mother. Yep.

My uncle in front of his wife? Yep.

My aunt. LOL

Yep… My mother’s advice was much better. Never be financially dependent on a man.

That advice I’ll take and never forgot it.

I don’t know what my dad and uncle thought when they were getting married. They got a free housekeeper and cook? I’m not sure…but beware future husband, if you do exist and haven’t been hit by a truck before I meet you…this is why I am the way I am. And if you act like these men…you’ll be really single really fast. I’d rather be alone than treated like crap.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

FREE Ebook TODAY on Kindle...Grab Sunflower Touches

Today Sunflower Touches for Free!!

Book 1 in the DIY Dolls series, Sunflower Touches is Chloe's story. With the parents married, the families move in together and blend...Chloe is the oldest of Dad's side and tries hard to be inclusive. BUT she must share a room with Cat, the eldest from stepmom's side and their backgrounds are sooooo different!

Get it while it's FREE:

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Annual Check Up

I did go for my annual check-up. I got blood work and did what the doc asked. I’m waiting on any feedback/results/info. (ps it all came back good)

It’s not fun to go to the doctor when you’re overweight. The scale…dread it. but I did it. My dad didn’t go to a doctor annually for normal checks. When he got horribly ill, my mom called her doctor in.

They had no background info. No baseline information on blood tests or other issues. Would that info have prevented his illness? No.
Would it have prevented his death? No.

But would his illness have been less severe? Probably…because he might’ve gone to see that doctor instead of waiting until my mother called an ambulance. Going to a doctor is scarier when you don’t have a relationship with one…when it’s not a habit.

There is no way to know if my dad’s illness were less severe and he recovered faster/ better last year, if he’d have been stronger and possibly survived this year…but still, anything that helps your odds.

I could be in much better health, weight-wise…but I have a doc that knows me. Has current info. And if something happened to me, she’d know if it’s new or not…worse than before or normal…etc.

So, whoever reads this…I hope you see a doc every year and get a checkup! 

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Choices and Money

We didn’t have a lot of money when I was little. I mean little like elementary school for me. My dad hated debt and paid off things as fast as he could. We never did vacations. A day at an amusement park, that was a vacation.

YET my sister and I were sent to private Catholic School. If the public schools were bad, it’d be one thing. They weren’t. Those schools have been among the top schools in Indiana most of my life. This was especially hard because Kindergarten was public only (Catholic school didn't have it). So I, an introvert, adjusted to K for one year and then got yanked into a new school of uniforms, nuns, and a lot more strictness...

Religious programming meant that much to him? I guess…but it’s so funny how when my sister had kids, and my dad had more money…he spoiled those boys like crazy. They went on the Disney cruise.

We never went to Disney world…not once. Sure, there are plenty of kids who never get to go. But he moved us in this middle to upper middle class town with great schools…then paid for private school. He didn’t seem to get how it was seeing other kids going on real vacations and we didn’t really do one…

All he had to do was not choose private school, go with the BETTER public school and he’d have had the money for one nice vacation. But knowing him, he’d have put it toward the mortgage. People’s priorities only seem to change when they want them to.

Harshness warning: The man didn’t take care of himself…but saved money like he’d live forever. Maybe now he gets it. You can’t take it with you. You actually have to enjoy life while it happens…I need that reminder sometimes because I wasn’t raised to believe that life was fun. My first fear is financial security and work...

Then...reality time. my Dad paid for my sister and her family (nephews were like 4 1/2 and 3) to go on the Disney cruise. It's amazing how priorities change. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

I don’t do any of that…

When Dad was in medical rehab, they try to do all this physical therapy that seems useful. Folding laundry. Cooking. Washing dishes etc…

He flat out refused to do any of that because he didn’t that *#&!. And this is very true. He’s never cooked a meal. He’s never washed clothes. He tried once, my mother was I the hospital for one night. She broke her collar bone during a seizure. A reaction to a medication that she as prescribed for arthritis. She’s okay now but it’s scary what one med given by a doctor can do when it doesn’t agree with you…

Anyway, mom was in the hospital. Dad tried to do a load of laundry. Couldn’t do it. He might have microwaved something at some point….maybe. he never cooked. Never cleaned. Never did dishes.


Men these days still don’t do half of the household stuff but I swear it was like growing up in the fifties or something. So sexist.

Yet, my sister and I had to go to college. I never could understand why women had to do the cooking/cleaning…if all the men had to do was go to work. If I go to work….screw it. why should I clean and cook?

This is still something I struggle with. Doing housework feels like he’s winning somehow. But I don’t have a husband. Lol. I think I need a cleaning lady to help keep me on track…honestly! Maybe one day I can afford one. 

It’s a button and I want a clean house but I need to write/ work. And I need to lose weight…and it all gets overwhelming and I do nothing. like now.

sometimes you need help. Of course men don’t call it help. They treat women’s work like it’s beneath them. THAT’s the problem the traditional roles. It’s not that there is anything wrong with a woman being a judge or a housewife. I have nothing against stay-at-home moms. Or housewives… But society has conditioned us to treat anyone NOT making money as less. They are dependent on someone else. Powerless.

If society doesn’t respect a role…how can anyone expect someone to want that role? My father took that modeling to an extreme…money was God and work that didn't make money was beneath him.  I get the dysfunction. I'm trying to reprogram my brain so I can clean without feeling like I've lost some cosmic power struggle. 

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Just write the Next Harry Potter

For a long time, I didn’t tell my family if I’d sold anything. if I’d published anything. it was easier.

Finally, I admitted I was trying to write. Dad said…just write the next Harry Potter.

Haha (if it came from someone else, it might ring like a normal joke…but from him…it was so much more of a loaded shot than a joke…)

Yeah, that’s his idea of a joke. Basically, she’s one in a billion. You’re not. Quit trying to be.

And people wonder why I had no self-esteem…

Friday, April 22, 2016

My appendix and crying wolf…

This is a hard one to write because I’m not sure I can be objective. Not that one should be objective in blogging/ journaling…but I was VERY sick and 12…

My stomach hurt ALL day. At points I was doubled over but life went on and it was written off. I was anxious in general.

The next day we were leaving on some weird trip that combined my dad’s work and skiing. I didn’t want to ski..none of us did really. I was anxious. We never really traveled as kids so that’s a new thing. If you want kids to travel well, you need to make it normal and routine. Just like if you want kids to socialize, you can’t keep them on a short leash all the time….

Back to me…or my stomach. I’d stared my period a year before or more…and it was that time but this was more. Even that young, girls know the difference between period cramps and other stuff.

Maybe I was getting the stomach flu? Lots of theories that wrote it off. I was dragged to last minute shopping. Sometimes feeling nearly doubled over in paid. It’ll pass. Maybe it’s gas (yeah, my dad could never imagine it was anything serious. Anything bad!).

That night I woke up in the middle of the night and felt like I’d been run over by a semi. I couldn’t really move well. I needed some water. The parents finally came in. I knew something was wrong. Worse. BAD!!

My dad still insisted that my mom call the doctor (no, he didn’t do it….mom and kids were STAFF…ugh). Mom calls the doctor and finally gets through. The doc says to take me to the ER because it sounds like my appendix.

Duh! It had already RUPTURED. Maybe I have a high pain tolerance? Maybe I was crying wolf? Good thing the doctor said to take me in or I’d have been dead by morning…

Once I was in the hospital, my dad made a big production of staying there during the day. My mom got the night shift. What a jerk. He’d dismissed all my pain and illness as something else until it actually ruptured. Instead of a few days in the hospital, it was over a week and a worse recovery.

Things happen, but sometimes power goes to parent’s head. Dad had a God complex at times…if he didn’t think it was a problem, it wasn’t. He’d will it to be his way. Sorry, my appendix refused to obey. Yay appendix!

But also, I was already plump then. Like the puberty layer of filling out girls get. My sister got it too and it went away, like most normal girls. Why can't i be normal? 

Add to that all the stuff people brought when they know a preteen had major surgery and is in the hospital. Yeah, suddenly all sorts of gifts including junk food, candy and homemade cookies. Well meant but not helpful..

Plus, no recess or lifting things once home for a few weeks at least.. I had stitches and was healing internally. I had to go to the doc to get the stitches removed...seems like soooo long ago. lol

Apparently it only takes a few weeks to make or break a habit. That definitely broke any active habits I had and let me get lazier… No, I’m not blaming my weight decades later on this…but rambling about this might help make it make sense. I mean, major surgery after a ruptured appendix…my body took a hit. Maybe my metabolism did too. Because before puberty, I never had weight problem. 

Thanks for nothing, appendix!

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Just Take Care of the Boys

Whenever my sister said she was going to come up to see my dad while in the hospital…that was his answer. "just take care of my boys..."

This is the sucky part of not having kids. And I’m REALLY good with not having kids myself….I like kids but I'm not meant to be a mom. 

But people with kids ALWAYS have an excuse. They have a built in get out of whatever it is card. And they vent about their kids...Um...YOU chose to have kids. Not my problem.

I noticed this first at work…on Halloween, the dads and moms would be ‘let out’ early to see their kids trick or treat. The rest of us, nope. Shouldn’t companies treat employees fairly? You’d think so.

Another time, a coworker’s kid had a fever. She had to be at work for close (ah accounting) and she brought the kid to work. There’s no daycare. So this kid is wandering around our cubicles while we’re trying to work. A toddler with possible germs…that’s not part of the work situation either.

Back to when my dad was in the hospital for months and months. Mom and I were there every day.

My sister was there for two 3 day periods. Sure she lived in another state and worked and all of that. But my work apparently didn’t count.

So as many days I probably missed from a bad snow and the 1 con I went to…those were the days she was there.

And if I said anything to my dad, it was all about the grandkids. She had to take care of the boys. Like she doesn’t have a husband? And he has a ton of relatives around where they live. He was the reasons he moved away. They can figure it out.

Now, my dad always tried to keep things FAIR between his daughters. Fair meaning the same. It didn’t matter if we weren’t both into the same things. It was the fairness that mattered to him. But parents can never be truly fair because different kids need different things. So rarely can you be totally fair…

Which is fine, life isn’t fair. And when grandkids arrived, I was even more the disappointing child. Why? I don’t want to spend every waking minute with my nephews. Um…they’re not my kids. I love them. they’re fun. But MY life doesn’t revolve around them. They aren’t the sun and the moon…not to me. Sorry…not sorry. I’m trying to be a writer here…

It’s not their fault, I guess. I’m the black sheep of the family. No one is a creative type. My dad would only approve if I was making big big money. Like Oprah money…okay then he’d be proud. He’d probably still make jokes. I’m not the normal one. I don’t want to be.

I'd fit in so much better here:

Monday, April 18, 2016

If Work was supposed to be Fun...

"If Work was supposed to be Fun, they’d call it something else."

(Since it's Monday...I thought this post would fit best...Sorry for bouncing around. I'm processing Dad's death and all the childhood stuff comes up too. )

This quote from my father is burned on my brain. When I got up the courage to tell him I wanted to write for a living, that’s what I was told. Work isn’t supposed to be fun. People who get to do what they love are just lucky. More people end up waiting tables in Hollywood because they want their dream.

Work isn’t fun. Work is about making money. I was told to major in something that’ll support me.

What is that telling me? At 16…I was told your life is going to suck. You won’t succeed as a writer. Dreams don’t come true….no matter how hard you work. Just give up and pick a job that’ll pay enough. Get financial security and be happy with that. 

Really?? Yep…That whole conversation is stuck in my head. Oh sure, I could teach English or write for a newspaper. But novels? Writing fiction? Be a teacher…not much money but it’s a steady job....that was Dad's compromise.

I didn’t want to be a teacher (sorry, too much of an introvert back then to contemplate public speaking). Truly, I wanted to write. That was all. 

But he really wanted me and my sister to be nurses. The problem is I don’t like blood and I'm not super great at reading people. 

He came up with accountant because every business needs one. I hated it. But I did it so he couldn’t make comments at me all the time when I hadn’t sold a book yet. I had a job, I paid my bills, and I wrote on the side. 

Guess what my sister is?

Right: Nurse (and she's very good at it and good with people...he wasn't always wrong).

I quit accounting in 2011…Now I’m a writer. Now to make it all work!

Saturday, April 16, 2016

The Man is the Head of the House….? Sigh

Yeah, it’s true for some of us.

If you haven’t seen My Big Fat Greek Wedding, you should! Here’s the relevant clip

My dad was THE only head of the house. His word over road everything. To be transparent, he passed away last month and there is a lot of pent up feeling about him. He had HIS way and if you didn’t go along, he’d nag, belittle, and even demand you go along.

I’m an adult, yes. But the brainwashing starts young. I don’t like conflict. I don’t like fighting.

Reality check, couples…heck friends fight. But with my parents, a fight was pointless. Dad got his way.

Some people have no idea how stressful fighting is when the winner is predetermined and there is no compromise. No apologies. (Parents, please model this for your kids as well!)

This is pretty much how I want to react to conflict:

The blender so you don’t hear it…my mom gave up fighting when I was pretty young but it was more a tug of war…

Here’s a dumb example. I’m in my SECOND home. I OWN as an adult. I had a pump bottle of antibacterial hand sanitizer in the kitchen. A big one. It was visible over the bar counter area. My dad said it looked TACKY.

I still get mad about that. It’s MY house…

Why should I get mad? It’s a comment. It’s decades of him getting his way. Decades of giving in to avoid the negativity heaped on anyone in that house who dared to go against him. As an adult it seems dumb but when it starts from birth…you really don’t know any different and have to break the urge to keep the peace. 

Thursday, April 14, 2016

13 months of insanity…

So my father passed away in March. Far too young and suddenly.

But he was the sort of man you couldn’t tell anything. He had all the answers. He had all the power. The sheer will to heal himself, he thought.

He never went to the doctor until he was in his sixties and then only a podiatrist until he landed in the hospital—septic.

He nearly died last year. My mom and I split the time with him in the hospital. He was so sick he didn’t remember half of what had happened. Plus he had six doc and three therapists rounding on him.

My sister phoned in a lot. She wanted to talk to every doc. Gave us questions. I felt like a servant and a secretary…(this is a truth space…in case you were wondering). Being a nurse, my sister had a lot of questions and opinions.

She’s also made the choice to move away. Convenient. She claimed she never thought about it. Okay…sure. My grandfather had been heavily dependent, ill off and on and lived to be 89.

Anyway, I have no guilt. I showed up. I was pissed off a lot of the time but Dad thought he knew better than everyone else. He’d play nice with the docs etc but he just wanted to get out. Well, when you ignore your health for a long time, it’s a long recovery.

Nearly 4 months of hospital sitting. My writing on total hold. My readers probably thought I’d abandoned them. My muse was a wreck crying in the corner. I needed to be creative to be somewhat happy and balanced. I was functional at best.

My swag piled up because I wasn’t sending it out to cons. I canceled cons. I was so tired coming home from the hospital, I didn’t care about cleaning the house. I paid the bills and did the bare minimum. Because there would be another day at the hospital…it felt like it never ended.

When he went home, it was worse on my mother. I helped some but in the last year, things have changed a lot in my life.

My writing was derailed. I managed to get two books out before things went downhill fast this year. Now he’s not sick…he’s gone and life has to go one. My writing, my road to recovery from the control and my weight and all of the bad stuff.

I want to be healthy, happy, and writing…lots of work to do.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

My Own Personal Drama….Er…Journey

Journey to what...I'm not quite sure yet.

My father passed away last month. That shook up my plan. But my plan has been messed up for over a year now with his health issues.

Now poof! It's over in some ways and in other ways it's far from done.

I need to do something to keep things anchored. To keep me on track and accountable.

There is a lot of work to do with my family. In my house, cleaning.

Me finally losing weight...slowly but I need to get on that path.

Either way, it's about taking back power. My dad was all about power/money. He wanted it, he tried to get as much as he could...

But now I've got to take back my power and make my life more like what I want. Focused on what I want. I'm glad I have no guilt about what I did. I was there.

It will be a journey. There is stuff to clean up, take care, and might take a year or more but I'll get there.

There will be a lot more detail in future posts. More personal stories in this quasi journal to get it all out of my head. Processing's public yes. But I have to get it out somewhere...

Stay tuned...

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Family stuff...

Sorry I missed my usual blog day. My family is going through a medical emergency situation that won't end well so I might miss the next week or two...I know people will understand.

Since I have a few minutes and feel like distracting myself with some updates online...I'll share a couple of titles that are by my alter-ego. Cassie Clover writes YA Fantasy...

Sixteen year old, Lady Kimess, is expected to one day inherit the role of Royal Seer. But when her mother dies under mysterious circumstances, Kimess steps up now. Untrained, and ill prepared, she doesn’t have a choice. Her remaining family’s safety, as well as her life, rest in the hands of the Queen of Lazrel. Kimess isn’t without allies—even royal ones. Both of the queen’s sons have shown support. If she’s not careful, a friendship with either prince could prove deadly.

Kimess’ telepathic and prophetic abilities are called into action when a delegation from the bordering empire arrives to renegotiate a treaty. Mistrust and rumors from every corner of the kingdom swirl around her. Under constant guard in the castle, the only way Kimess can keep her life and one day earn her freedom is by giving the queen everything she requires—no matter the risks...

Book 2 is also available!!

Friday, March 4, 2016

Binge watching the Walking Dead and making swag

After a book is done, I take a little break. Mental change up or whatever you want to call it.
Netflix and Amazon prime TV make that nice...

I watched all of The Walking Dead... and Fuller House. The Walking Dead was engaging and Fuller House was nostalgic. So it was all good.

While I was watching that stuff...I worked on some promotion items for conferences coming up...

It might look easy, it is easy, but doing hundreds of them is dull work, perfect for TV...and pondering the new book.

So Hints of Hot Pink is edited and with the proofer! I'm waiting to get that back, review things and send it for formatting!

You can pre-order Hints of Hot Pink now :) 
The book will release 3/26/16

I'm currently working on notes and outline info for book 3

For all the updates, follow my Amazon Author Page

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Blizzards, Print Books, and Pinterest...

Happy Friday!

Here in Chicago, well south and east of the city, we had a blizzard this week. The wind was nasty--I love when it snows horizontal (so long as I don't have to leave). We got maybe 6 inches of snow, but the blowing and drifting made it a crazy week.

I received the first print copy of Sunflower Touches!!

This week, while waiting out the blizzard, I worked on edits for book 2 and returned them to my editor!

I also worked on Pinterest boards for the heroines of each book! 
Follow to find out what they're into...

Sunflower Touches' Heroine: Chloe's Pinterest Board
Hints of Hot Pink's Heroine: Cat's Pinterest Board

Stay warm, wherever you are!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

2/18/16 Pre-order SALE!

So first a little personal crap. My dad has been in the hospital all week. He needed some surgery and is getting better. So I haven't had time to come up with anything cute or clever...I'm honestly tired and stressed!

BUT I am staying on track... DIY Dolls Book 1 is up for pre-order!!

One more Brady Bunch joke, and I swear I will ugly cry in the corner!
Dad took seven years after Mom died to find the right woman. My stepmom is nice. I have no complaints but one. Like Dad, she has three daughters. If math is your defect, that’s six teenage girls in one house.
At least, we have a new house, but we also have a forced bonding project. It’s not a camping weekend—that’d be lame, but short. We have to share our craft and creative skills as a group to help each other with stuff. That’s what I get for offering to help with decorating this drab house. Even worse, it has to be recorded for the parents.

Add that to school, boys, friends, and our own stuff…when am I supposed to have any fun? I’m glad Dad is happy, but the sister explosion was never in the plan. I’m the oldest. I’m hoping a stepmom will free me from being mini mom. Maybe I’ll find the freedom to pursue my art, spend time with some interesting guys, and enjoy what’s left of high school.

Release date: 3/12/16

Pre-order Sale Price! 99 Cents for the Ebook 

Friday, February 12, 2016

Hearts and flowers...

Happy Early Valentine's Day...

For the single people, it sort of sucks... but writing YA, I realize Valentine's Day was a bigger crazy day. In the high school, I remember all those little fundraisers. Give your Valentine a flower or a Lollipop (blowpops I remember for some reason).

No, I never got one. LOL No...but it is amazing how simple it was to make people feel special. Hopefully we can all make people feel special...

Writers love little notebooks...

Manicures are an inexpensive way to pamper...

And of course, ebooks or paperbacks!
Sunflower Touches isn't out yet but it will be: 3/12/16
Pre-order coming soon...
This weekend, I might just order one of those heart-shaped

Friday, February 5, 2016

2/5/16 Groundhog Day...and other entertaining bits

So the groundhog didn't see his shadow...early spring? Cool!
Chicago has been lucky with a mild winter so far (missing the big storm that kicked up north)

But my week has been very much like groundhog day, the movie. write, write, write, repeat...

I did get my nails done on Monday...because if I don't get my nails done every couple of weeks, the break and split and are an ugly mess from keyboard abuse!

I love writing! But when I'm binge writing YA...for some reason YA comes in a flood...I feel like time passes without my notice and my days are shower, some sort of food, and laptop...

I've also made notes for the next couple of books in the series. My notes start in notebooks, like this minion one ! Eventually I make chapter notes and when I put those in the computer, I refine it further. So can't lose the notes...

That's my update. Making serious progress on book 2. Book 1 is coming back from the liner/proofer this weekend. So I can polish it up and get it formatted. The series is keeping me very busy! I hope readers will like it.

See you next Friday...

Saturday, January 30, 2016

1/29/16 Friday Post

I'm a bit late in posting...but the weekend is here! It is 45 degrees in Chicago (yay!)...

I'll be blogging here about my new series. My new writing venture and other things.

Here is a sneak preview of new swag piece! 

Love the logo!!

DIY Dolls is a new YA Contemp series about 6 crafty sisters (all teens) in a newly blended family.
Don't miss all the news! Go to the Newsletter Sign Up page and get on the list...

What else??? I'll be at the Novel Experience in April....that's in Atlanta, Ga.

Now to indulge in a very unhealthy treat but Mardi Gras is coming...

These are a Polish tradition and VERY popular in Chicago for Fat Tuesday...
See you in February :D