Saturday, April 30, 2016

Annual Check Up

I did go for my annual check-up. I got blood work and did what the doc asked. I’m waiting on any feedback/results/info. (ps it all came back good)

It’s not fun to go to the doctor when you’re overweight. The scale…dread it. but I did it. My dad didn’t go to a doctor annually for normal checks. When he got horribly ill, my mom called her doctor in.

They had no background info. No baseline information on blood tests or other issues. Would that info have prevented his illness? No.
Would it have prevented his death? No.

But would his illness have been less severe? Probably…because he might’ve gone to see that doctor instead of waiting until my mother called an ambulance. Going to a doctor is scarier when you don’t have a relationship with one…when it’s not a habit.

There is no way to know if my dad’s illness were less severe and he recovered faster/ better last year, if he’d have been stronger and possibly survived this year…but still, anything that helps your odds.

I could be in much better health, weight-wise…but I have a doc that knows me. Has current info. And if something happened to me, she’d know if it’s new or not…worse than before or normal…etc.

So, whoever reads this…I hope you see a doc every year and get a checkup! 

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