Tuesday, April 26, 2016

I don’t do any of that…

When Dad was in medical rehab, they try to do all this physical therapy that seems useful. Folding laundry. Cooking. Washing dishes etc…

He flat out refused to do any of that because he didn’t that *#&!. And this is very true. He’s never cooked a meal. He’s never washed clothes. He tried once, my mother was I the hospital for one night. She broke her collar bone during a seizure. A reaction to a medication that she as prescribed for arthritis. She’s okay now but it’s scary what one med given by a doctor can do when it doesn’t agree with you…

Anyway, mom was in the hospital. Dad tried to do a load of laundry. Couldn’t do it. He might have microwaved something at some point….maybe. he never cooked. Never cleaned. Never did dishes.


Men these days still don’t do half of the household stuff but I swear it was like growing up in the fifties or something. So sexist.

Yet, my sister and I had to go to college. I never could understand why women had to do the cooking/cleaning…if all the men had to do was go to work. If I go to work….screw it. why should I clean and cook?

This is still something I struggle with. Doing housework feels like he’s winning somehow. But I don’t have a husband. Lol. I think I need a cleaning lady to help keep me on track…honestly! Maybe one day I can afford one. 

It’s a button and I want a clean house but I need to write/ work. And I need to lose weight…and it all gets overwhelming and I do nothing. like now.

sometimes you need help. Of course men don’t call it help. They treat women’s work like it’s beneath them. THAT’s the problem the traditional roles. It’s not that there is anything wrong with a woman being a judge or a housewife. I have nothing against stay-at-home moms. Or housewives… But society has conditioned us to treat anyone NOT making money as less. They are dependent on someone else. Powerless.

If society doesn’t respect a role…how can anyone expect someone to want that role? My father took that modeling to an extreme…money was God and work that didn't make money was beneath him.  I get the dysfunction. I'm trying to reprogram my brain so I can clean without feeling like I've lost some cosmic power struggle. 

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